Australian Truck Tire Market Visits Travel Notes 2018
Australia is a good potential truck tyre market, although it’s fierce competition for now but if you find the secret, you still could do very well in Australia.
Australia is a good potential truck tyre market, although it’s fierce competition for now but if you find the secret, you still could do very well in Australia.
Top 25 Australian Livestock Transporters – by Upload Capacity.
The Truck Industry Council (TIC), representing truck manufacturers and importers in Australia, said March and first-quarter 2018 truck sales were all time records and in line with industry trends that have been building for the past 12 months.
According to the latest data from the Truck Industry Council (TIC), a total of 32,964 trucks and commercials were registered in 2016, the tally marking the highest annual figure since the Global Financial Crisis. The total equates with growth of three per cent over 2015
The Truck Industry Council’s (TIC) latest T-Mark data indicates some 3630 new trucks and vans were sold during November 2017, the figure up a substantial 22.8 per cent on the same month 2016. Furthermore, a total of 33,352 new vehicles have been sold this year to the end of November, up 11.5% over the last year’s corresponding period, with gains recorded in every major segment.
Total sales of construction equipment are expected to touch one billion units for 2018 registering an annual rise of 12%, according to Off-Highway Research.
当一辆汽车被称为’列车’的时候,你能想像得到它到底有多长? 澳洲大陆幅员辽阔,因为铁路建置费用高昂,深入内陆不敷成本,铁路的铺设与维护仅限于部分海岸线,但又为了解决货物载运,内陆与海岸互通有无,便发展出东西向横跨内陆的公路火车。这种被称作’Road Train’的卡车,被广泛用于运输铅锌矿山的矿石以及为偏远城镇运送货物。